Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Google Group

All members have been invited to join the Google Group "Unfolding Art History". That is the only way we can upload or download and share documents like PDF files, Word Documents, and such others. You can use this blog to post images, videos and mainly your own texts. Unfortunately to join the Google Group you will have to create a google account, in case you don't have already one. The invitation by email will direct you straight to a log in or to create an account. It takes only minutes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The project is proposed by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro jointly with the Universidad San Martin (Buenos Aires) and UNAM (Mexico City), and has as partners the Universidad San Francisco (Quito), Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) and Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). Its two main goals are the constitution of a Latin American academic sustainable network and the consolidation of postgraduate and undergraduate programs in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as their implementation in Colombia, and Ecuador.
The project has two main lines of action. On the one hand, three seminars will be held respectively at the Universidad San Martín (Buenos Aires) in November 2012; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in June 2013; and UNAM (Mexico City) in October 2013, as well as a three-day closing meeting at Unifesp (São Paulo) in November 2013. The meetings will focus on different aspects of the theme “unfolding art histories” during the long 19th century. On the other hand, the project also aims at promoting interchange of professors, as well as the rotation of postgraduate and undergraduate students.​​